Needing something to do on a cold or rainy day? Try cooking with your kids. Kids love to get their hands dirty, experiment with new things, and enjoy eating treats they make. Don’t be...
The world has not shut down! Just because you might not feel comfortable travelling does not mean that you have sacrifice fun with your family. There are lots of things that you can do...
Vacation funds do not have to be out of reach for the average person. By setting a goal and breaking it down you will know how much you need to save. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!
Can’t travel due to weather, COVID-19, or other factors? Kids bored of the electronics already? Why not try some of our fun, family, low cost activities to help bust the boredom and reconnect? Here...
Whenever we travel we like to pack as lightly, organized, and as prepared as possible. You will need a basic packing list for every trip and then you will need items or clothing specific...
Morgan was able to save up her own money to go shopping. She wanted to go shop at Target because she had a coupon (smart shopper). After looking at just about every item in...
Morgan loves playing with slime. It’s a great way to have fun when you are stuck inside due to COVID-19 or on a rainy day. Come and watch as she reviews glitter slime. Slime...
Fall is a beautiful time here in the Ozarks. We are fortunate enough to live just a couple of hours away from Branson, MO so this weekend we took a day trip (yes I...