National Plan for Vacation Day 2023 is Coming!

Get ready to plan your next vacation during National Plan for Vacation Day.  According to the US Travel Association this special day is held the last Tuesday in January each year and encourage people to plan their vacations for the entire year. 

National Plan for Vacation Day 2023

By planning ahead employees can have something to look forward to and work towards.  By offering vacation time employers can actually increase productivity in employees and retain quality workers.

In an article by Forbes, employee burnout is indeed a real issue.  People across the country are burnt out, depressed, tired, and stressed.  In the study done by Asana 84% of Gen Z’s, 74% of Millennials, and 47% of Baby Boomers experience burnout.  That is a huge percentage of unhappy employees.

How do you help solve this problem?  You can plan for a vacation!  By planning ahead, planning destinations, planning finances, and planning with a travel professional, you can save time, money, and be less stressed about taking a vacation. 

Planning Ahead

Planning ahead for a vacation allows you to maximize your days off and not wind up at the end of the year trying to “use it or lose it”.  There’s nothing worse than looking back on the things you should have done and regretting it. 

National Plan for Vacation Day 2023

Planning ahead allows you to get on the company calendar for the day you actually want off.  By matching up your vacation days along with your regular days off i.e long weekend breaks, you can actually go on a longer trip with your family. 

For example, you normally will have off Monday for Labor Day, and you don’t work weekends anyway.  A good way to plan is by taking off the Tuesday and Wednesday after Labor Day or the Thursday and Friday before the weekend.  This allows you to maximize your time off by taking only two vacation days, but actually getting off  5 days in a row for a longer trip. 

Planning Destinations

Planning an Alaskan Cruise
Alaskan Cruise

The destination you plan for can dictate how many days off you need and  when the best time to travel to that location is.  You would not want to travel to try to cruise to Alaska in February.  It’s just not possible because it is frozen.  You will not want to plan a trip to Florida during the hurricane season.

Planning Finances

Photo by Alexander Mils on

By planning, at the beginning of the year, for a specific vacation or vacations you can see when you might need to work extra hours to earn more money to save.  You can also plan good spending habits for the year and cut back on things you don’t really need.  A cup of coffee a day is at least $3, if you get it on the go.  That’s $60 a month that you could save towards your vacation.  With an extra $60 you could buy lunch a Disney or a special souvenir you have had your eye on.

Plan with a Travel Professional

If you think you don’t have time to plan for a vacation, or are feeling overwhelmed, contact your local travel professional.  Travel professionals travel a lot so we have the best tips and tricks, and our pricing comes direct from the suppliers to help you save time and money.  By leaving the stress and worry to us all you have to do is sit back and enjoy your vacation.

National plan for vacation day at EPCOT
Epcot June 2022

If you don’t already have a local travel professional contact me at to start planning your dream vacation today. 

Final Thoughts

National Plan for Vacation Day 2023 can help you avoid burnout, stay focused, and manage stress.  By planning ahead, planning destinations, planning finances, and planning with a travel professional, you can save time, money, and be less stressed about taking a vacation.  Everyone needs and deserves a vacation.  Remember… Life’s Short… Take the Trip!

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