Educational Travel for Kids:Our Top 10

Family travel can not only be fun for children of all ages, but did you know it can also be educational?  The next time you go on a vacation you do not have to sacrifice your child’s learning for the sake of having fun.  There are many educational experiences all around you if you just slow down to pay attention.  Here is our top 10 list for how travel is educational to your kids:

#1 Experience Cultures

Two men in Mexico singing to a little girl.

One of the best ways to experience other cultures while travelling on a budget is by going on a cruise.  Cruises are all inclusive and often make multiple stops in ports in multiple different countries.  The staff on every cruise ship come from all over the world and just by speaking to them and having everyday conversations you can get to know about many different places.  By experiencing different cultures and being around multicultural people, your kids will grow as humans and will be more understanding and appreciative individuals in life. 

Experience new cultures on a cruise with a waiter and little girl.

Morgan has had a passport since she was two years old.  She has been in five different countries, and she is only 7 years old.  One of the best onboard cruise experiences we have had was on the Norwegian Dawn to Bermuda in 2017.  Our waiter, Erister, told us how Morgan reminded him of his little sister back home.  He took great care of her during the entire trip and spoiled her by bringing her bowls of cherries to sit and eat while she waited on her dinner. 

#2 Try New Things

Two boys on a rock-climbing wall
Kids can experience rock climbing on a Royal Caribbean cruise.

For some reason people are always braver while travelling.  Maybe it’s the thought of missing out on something.  Maybe it’s being around people you probably will never see again.  Who knows, but people in general are more apt to step out of their comfort zones while travelling.  The next time you travel encourage your kids to try new things.  Go on a roller coaster, ride a horse, surf in the ocean.  These are all educational experiences that allow your kids to learn how to be brave. 

#3 Experience Nature

little girl standing on a log in the woods

In today’s hectic world kids are often stuck inside and obsessed with video games.  Kids need to experience nature.  They need to get outside and breathe fresh air and get vitamin D from being in sunlight.  All of these things are crucial to help them grow up healthy. 

There are many ways to experience nature and travelling to state parks is a great way to get your kids out into nature and do so on a budget.  State parks have hiking, biking, children’s activities, interactive visitor’s centers, and a whole lot more.  Some of the parks such as Logoly State Park in Arkansas is an environmental park and teaches the kids about ecosystems, plants, and animals. 

#4 See New Places

Glacier in Alaska
See a glacier while in Alaska

Geography is learned whenever kids travel.  Visiting and seeing new places helps give kids a sense of direction, map reading skills, and experience different places on Earth.  By seeing new places kids can not just read about places in books or see places on YouTube, but they can truly experience the sights and sounds of the world. 

We recently bought a globe in a thrift store.  When we got home Morgan immediately found Franklin, TN on the globe.  We have now started finding and marking all the places we have travelled on the globe.  By doing this, she is learning how the world is laid out, how big the world really is, and the distances we are going when we travel. 

#5 Learn History

Educational travel to other countries statues in Athens, Greece
Athens, Greece

History is all around us, and we create history each and every day.  By learning about the past kids can help create a better future.  History teaches us to be understanding towards others, the sacrifices our forefathers have made to develop our countries and our communities, and how products have been developed over time.  Without ever travelling outside their own communities kids’ knowledge base is extremely limited.  School teaches us history, but by travelling we can experience it. 

#6 Experience Math

The Hulk roller coaster at Universal Orlando
The Hulk Coaster at Universal Orlando

Math doesn’t have to be boring.  Did you know that your kids can learn about angles by designing a roller coaster in Epcot? You can gain a concept of height by climbing a mountain at a state park in Arkansas.  You can find a line of symmetry within a doughnut for breakfast!  Distances and time calculation can be measured during attraction lines at theme parks.  Math can be fun and experienced when you least expect it. 

#7 Encourage Reading during Educational Travel

little girl reading a sign at a park
Prairie Grove Battlefield Park, AR

There are words all around us.  Having your kids read road maps, signs, and restaurant menus all encourages a love for reading.  Many gift shops have children’s books written by local authors and tell the story about local cultures and sites.  Picking these up as souvenirs is a neat way to encourage reading while on a trip. 

Whenever we go to a state park, we have Morgan read the historical markers to us.  If your child is a beginning reader you can have him find letters on road signs, recognize environmental print while driving through towns, and listen to you read informational texts to them.  Kids soak up information even when they don’t realize they are learning. 

#8 Find a Love for Science

mother and daughter hiking between large rocks

Science isn’t just about explosions and stars.  When you travel stop and point out neat rock formations that make up the geology of the area.  Small rocks can be great souvenirs and are free to pick up and bring home from most areas.  Learn about velocity from riding rollercoasters in theme parks.  Learn about growing plants and using sustainable energy while visiting Epcot

Stargazing at night is also a free event and can be fun because you can see the sky from different angles depending on the area of the world you are in.  Disney Aulani even has a star gazing event, for a small fee, at their resort. 

Watching the waves at the beach is another great way to learn about science while travelling.  Currents, air pressure, wind velocity, wind speed, and wind direction can all be observed while enjoying the beach.  You can print your own science observation worksheet from Teachers Pay Teachers, or you can discuss your observations as a family. 

#9 Try New Food in Educational Travel

little girl eating an ice cream sundae with her mouth in the glass

Did you know that you can not only experience food by eating, but also by participating in cooking classes and demonstrations when you travel? Many destinations have these available to the public.  On cruises you can sit at the chef’s table and have a private meal prepared before your eyes in a small group setting.  At Silver Dollar City in Branson, MO, you, and your family can enjoy cooking, and candy making demonstrations daily inside the theme park. 

Cruises offer some of the best foods from all around the world and they are all-inclusive.  What does that mean for you and your family? If the kids try something and don’t like it, they can get something else!  If you want two desserts, you can! During main dining room dinner, on any cruise, you can have a starter (soup, salad, appetizer), an entrée, and a dessert.  If you want to try more of something, just ask and they will happily bring it to you.  If you don’t like something you ordered, they will happily let you try something else.  That is one of the benefits to cruising.  Daniel always orders escargot on a cruise.  Morgan enjoys calamari.  In 2012 I found out that I enjoy Dolmas, which are stuffed grape leaves.  Would we have tried these foods in our own home kitchen? Probably not, but when travelling it is fun to try something new.

Food science can be a great thing for kids to learn about.  Trying new foods can also teach kids about different cultures and about being opened to trying new things.  Who knows, they might actually find a new favorite food.   

#10 Communication Skills

magician with a little girl on a stage
Morgan was chosen to participate onstage in a magic show.

Without experiences kids lack in communication skills.  While travelling it is important to have your kids order for themselves, ask questions, and express their feelings.  Without going to new places kids don’t have much to talk about, but if they are exposed to a new place then they are more apt to discuss everything they saw and did with others.  Kids get excited about new experiences and want to share those experiences with others.  Communication skills are so important to learn at a young age and will help them succeed in life as an adult.  Without communication skills your child will have a harder time getting along with others in school and working with others in a job as an adult. 

Final Thoughts

little girl on a plane giving a thumbs up

Educational travel does not have to be boring.  Kids are always learning, but they must first be exposed to it.  Parents play a crucial role in teaching their kids through experiences.  Travel helps with not only making learning fun for the whole family, but by providing unique experiences.  The possibilities for learning while travelling are endless.  Reading, math, science, geography, communication skills, and culture, you name it, they can learn it.  What is something you would like for your child to learn about while travelling? Contact us today for educational vacation ideas.

Remember… Life’s Short… Take the Trip!

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